Detailed assessment of anatomical structures such as baby’s head, chest, abdomen in line with National standards
Fetal growth assessment & weight estimation
Detailed custom anomaly report with growth & charts
Sexing of the baby (if requested)
2 Complimentary 2D Black and White Images
As you look forward to the birth of your child, it’s only natural to seek reassurance. You’ve had the dating scan and seen your baby on the screen, but now, you’d like to check that he or she is healthy and progressing well.
Our anomaly ultrasound scan, sometimes called an anatomy scan, is the ideal opportunity to assess how well your baby is developing, by taking a series of body measurements, and looking at your baby’s anatomy and body structures to check that everything is as it should be. We’ll also check the fluid levels in the womb and positioning of the placenta.
At your anomaly scan, you’ll also receive two images of your baby to take home with you; and if you’d like to find out, our professional staff can give you their opinion on your child’s gender.
What is the main objective of the anomaly scan?
Screening baby’s anatomy and assessing growth & environment using ultrasound.
Evaluate the anatomy of your baby in detail in line with National screening standards including areas such as the head, chest, heart, abdomen and limbs using ultrasound.
Measure baby’s head, abdomen & thigh (femur) to assess growth against the expected gestational age.
Provide weight estimation of baby
Determine baby’s position
Assess placental position
Assess amniotic fluid
Complimentary professional opinion on the sex / gender of your baby using ultrasound, if requested (see below).
How do I prepare for this scan?
A full bladder is required for this scan – Please drink 1 litre of fluid approximately 1.5 hours before your scheduled appointment and please try your best not to empty your bladder before the examination.
Please bring your pregnancy book / previous scan results to your appointment.
All scans are carried out with the aim to accomplish the main objective only.
The anomaly scan is used as a screening tool to screen for major structural abnormalities in line with the NHS fetal anomaly screening programme. It is important to note however that this scan can not detect all problems and does not screen for chromosomal abnormalities. A normal scan is very reassuring however does not guarantee a healthy baby.
Please bring your pregnancy book with previous scan results to your appointment.
Multiple pregnancy / twins require an additional charge of £50.
Gender assessment is included as a free option. Any information regarding the sex of the baby is not guaranteed & ultrasound alone is not 100% accurate as some babies can be ambiguous. Your practitioner will only provide you with information about the gender if they feel confident to do so from the ultrasound scan. Medison Imaging or its staff can not be in any way held responsible upon the reliance of such information.
4DMiViewk is non-diagnostic, optional and only provided upon request where a quick preview (typically 10-15 seconds) of your baby is provided in 4D from the available views of your baby at the time of the scan. Please note that 4DMiView is a free add on and is not the main objective of the scan.
We will require details of your GP / Health Care Professional; this will be requested from you prior to or at the time of your scan.